If you’ve taken our course on Teenage Motivation you know we go on ad nauseum about how engaging in social situations is one of the primary drivers of teenage behavior. If this is true and teenagers are obsessed with thriving in social environments then how are they so clumsy and awkward in social situations? Well, there are a number of factors at work here so let’s take a moment to examine a few individually.
The Unexpected Benefits of Getting My Teen to Cook With Me
How cooking with your teenager can change your relationship and breed better communication
Get Your Teen Talking More with Open-Ended Questions
Easy-to-implement tips for parents on how to use open-ended questions as a conversation tool for getting teens to open up more.
Validation: An Effective Way To Handle Arguments With Your Teen
Arguing with your teen is inevitable, but these evidence-based conversation tactics can help make those arguments shorter, less frequent, and more likely to resolve positively.
A Parent’s Guide to Getting the Most out of Tiktok
Learn how to use TikTok as a tool to get through to your teen, spark engaging conversations, and even fix your household appliances.
Teens are Dumping Their Phones and Joining the Luddite Club
Get to know Logan, founder of the Luddite club and teenager extraordinaire who chose to break up with her phone and is encouraging other teens to give it a try.
Debunking the Myth of the ‘Lazy Teen’
Parents of teens are often frustrated by their teen’s ‘laziness’ but ‘lazy’ behavior is often a symptom of underlying issues. This article gets to the heart of how parents can look beyond the ‘laziness’ and make a positive difference in their kids’ behavior.
Support Teens Actually Want When Starting the College Application Process
Two teens describe what they wished parents did more (and less) of when supporting their college application process
What to do When Your Teenager Just Isn’t Listening
Struggling to get your teen to listen? Here are 5 ways to foster healthier and more open communication with them.
Let’s Talk About Drugs: Teen Drug Use From A Harm Reduction Perspective
Harm reduction addresses teen drug use from a risk reductive standpoint, rather than a zero- tolerance approach.