How cooking with your teenager can change your relationship and breed better communication
5 Ways to Help Teens Cope with Media Related Anxiety
Modern media is having negative effects on teen mental health and well-being. Here are 5 things parents can do to help their teens cope.
How TV Can Help You Talk to Your Teen About Consent
When talking to your teen about consent, it’s helpful to have reference points from film and television. These 7 examples are great conversation starters.
How to Identify and Support Your Teen’s Learning Style [2023]
If you can help your teen identify their learning style, you can also help them better advocate for themselves in the classroom and set themselves up for success in their learning and their approach to assignments.
CBT for Teens: Helping to Reframe Negative Thoughts
The thing about habitual ways of thinking is that once we have them they’re really hard to get rid of. This is mostly fine because a great number of our thought patterns are super helpful. But every now and then we run into one of our habitual ways of thinking that is not helpful or even unhealthy and destructive. What are we to do in this case? This is where cognitive reframing can help.